Specialist Earthing
Earth Tech can design and install Specialist Earthing Systems for Sub – Stations, Generators, Computer suites, Telecom installations and wind turbines.
Soil resistivity testing is part of the design process which enables us to recommend the most suitable earthing system for the particular ground conditions whether it be driven electrodes, earth plates or deep drilling bore holes.
Recommended schemes comply with the BSEN 62305 Protection of structures against Lightning. All the design & installations are carried out in house.
Soil Resistivity Surveys, carried out to determine site specific earthing requirements.
Design of site specific earthing systems based on known local soil resistivity or the results of a Survey.
Installation of earthing systems for (but not limited to):
- Standby Generators
- Static (complete with disconnect assemblies for tanker loading/off loading)
- LV and HV supply systems
- Technical Earthing for equipment sensitive to fault currents
- Transformers
- Feeder Pillars
- Telecommunications Systems
- Wind Farms
- Deep drilled boreholes, (for poor soil resistivity or limited available space ), up to 100m deep and back-filled with conductive slurry or conductive cement.
- EV Charger Earthing